Kathleen Corey, MD, MPH
Dr. Kathleen Corey is the Director of the MGH Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Clinic, Associate Program Director for the Medicine Residency for Clinical and Translational Research, a hepatologist who specializes in NAFLD, Physician Investigator in the CTEU, and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at HMS.
Her interests include clinical and translational research in NAFLD. She aims to better understand predictors of development and progression of NAFLD, the interplay between cardiovascular disease and NAFLD and the natural history of NAFLD in persons living with HIV (PLWH). She is the Co-PI for an R01 evaluating the role of tesamorelin, a growth hormone-releasing hormone for the treatment of NAFLD and is involved in an NIH-funded study on the prevalence, risk factors and treatment of NAFLD in PLWH.
Dr. Corey earned her MD at Duke University School of Medicine, her MPH from the University of North Carolina and her MMSc from Harvard Medical School. Prior to joining the faculty of MGH, she completed her training in Internal Medicine, Chief Residency, Gastroenterology and Advanced Hepatology and Liver Transplant at MGH.
Key Publications
Metabolite profiling identifies anandamide as a biomarker of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis is Associated with Cardiac Remodeling and Dysfunction